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Oparara Basin Experience Design
The Oparara Basin – Oparara Arch and the Honeycomb Hill Caves Oparara Basin is a magical place famous for its limestone arches and caves that are the final natural resting places of moa – the largest bird that ever lived and Poukai, the now extinct Giant Eagle. From past extinctions to a future of conservation …
WePlant App: Making Planting Social
Growing a Forest of Native Planting and People Simultaneously This app lets people record their planting with a photo of themselves so that others viewing the plantings see not only a forest of trees, but using augmented reality, also see the forest of people involved.
Abel Tasman Virtual Visitor Centre App
Wireframe + High-Fidelity Prototyping Focused on User Journey The app has been developed to not only provide information on walks, history and biodiversity, but to also engage visitors into playing their part in local restoration projects, including uploading their sighting of native birds such as the weka.
Guide Hill Station Outdoor Museum Interpretation Design
Re-imagining a Wild Lake Around 600 years ago, Pūkaki was a wild, untamed lake, with the surrounding lands sustaining a rich abundance of native habitat and wildlife… Tussock – Growing Island of Life Tussock are an integral part of Mackenzie Country. While from a distance they might look like simple, tall and brown grasses, each …
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Te Ara Ōtākaro Avon River Trail
Arthur’s Pass National Park Visitor Engagement Strategy
Identifying Key Opportunities for Engaging Visitors into their Conservation Journey Five key opportunities are identified as a result of desktop study and on-site observations. Together these help inform information requirements and the key sites to best engage visitors with. Assessing current information requirements and delivery Current ways of delivering information along SH73, in the visitor …
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Kiwi Ranger Programme New Zealand
Developed Across 16 Sites across Aotearoa New Zealand The Kiwi Ranger Programme is designed for children of all ages. Across the country, each of the 16 sites has a unique set of activities and stories kids can engage with. A Journey of growth The 16 sites have been developed over a 5 year journey. Today …
Aotearoa New Zealand’s ‘Arc of Influence’
How do we see New Zealand and its environment? New Zealand’ is commonly perceived as series of islands in the South Pacific; isolated, oasis-like, covered in forest; and physically ‘separated’ from the rest of the world by the Pacific Ocean. Research undertaken by New Zealand’s Department of Conservation has revealed that our perception of ‘quintessentially …
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Pyramid Valley Vineyard Masterplan
A Breathing Landscape and Waterscape System The narrative reveals three key systems – a water system, planting system and experiences. Each of this expresses an aspiration to connect with nature. Master plan A staged masterplan is developed to expand the existing pocket of the wetland, growing natural-made resources for many more generations of wine making …