Taranaki Tracks and Trails Strategy 2040

NZ Walking Access Commission Ara Hīkoi Aotearoa | Sport Taranaki | Lincoln University
Elsewhere in the world trails make historic sites the focus of a pilgrimage. Here the promise of being connected to that which deeply belongs here – the mana of Taranaki – invites all people to share in a journey that shapes and changes people.
This document proposes a strategic direction for the Taranaki region’s tracks and trails network. The strategy utilises existing opportunities, addresses key challenges, and celebrates the capacity of journeys to inspire and connect us.

A Collaboration Process

Working closely with iwi, local government and central government agencies, local community groups and key stakeholders throughout the design process.

Identifying significant cultural and ecological landscape layers

Undertaking key documents review, site studies and desktop analysis to identify existing assets, stories, programs and proposals. Sketching was used as a key method to draw out insights that will drive the design process.

Narrative and Value

Letting a rich cultural narrative shape the overall project and unlock the potential for people to connect with the journeys and stories of the region.

Overarching tracks and trails vision

Setting out a vision and nine key projects to provide a pathway in realising the long-term strategy.

Nine key projects

Nine projects underpin this strategy. Each provides tangible ways the overarching narrative can be incorporated into a scalable and transformative program for the Taranaki tracks and trails network.

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